23 May, 2009

Yard Sale!

Summer is officially here! I have been going to school non-stop since I started in the Fall '07, but I am excited just to be working this summer. I don't have a job yet, but I was interviewed by a family to babysit for this summer on Thursday, and they told me that they interviewed two other people and are going to be making their decision this weekend. I am so nervous, but I hope that I get this job. It would be such a great experience and GREAT pay. I'll let you know when I find out! :)

So I haven't finished unpacking all my STUFF, but this weekend was our neighborhood yard sale, so I decided to set out some things. After I got all my stuff together, my sister, brother, mom and dad all had stuff to put out, so I threw theirs in as well. It was a very hot and long day, but at the end of all of it, we had about $200 more dollars than we started off with. What a great start to summer! :) It really was fun but also a lot of hard work. My little brother made coffee, pink lemonade, muffins and brownies to sell in the morning to those early birds. It was so cute, and did very well! People enjoy cheap, homemade treats! We got rid of a lot of our junk, and I am glad for that. After it was all over, my mom loaded up her car and took most of the rest to Goodwill for a donation. Here are some pictures from our yard sale! (These were taken before my mom put all of her stuff out. We did quite a bit of rearranging afterwards.) Hope you all enjoyed your Saturday!

- b -

P.S. We put one of our puppies, Lexi, up for sale, but nobody bought her. We didn't think anyone would, but we thought it was worth a try! If anyone is looking for a little chihuahua puppy then send me a message! :) She is 6 mos. old and AKC registered showdog!

18 May, 2009

Two More Days

This semester is almost officially over. I have two days left in Jackson, and it's starting to get a little sad. I'm so ready for summer, but I think it's hitting me that I am really going to be leaving all my friends for good. Alex & I went home this weekend and brought most of my stuff back to Louisville. I spent two days cleaning my room that hasn't seen a dust mop in ages and also helping my little brother Nick with his room. I had an advising appointment at the University of Louisville on Friday afternoon, and it looks like I am going to be in school for another 3 years; and that is just for my bachelor's degree. I am bummed, but I am not really that upset. No, I do not want to have to pay for 3 more years of college, but their teaching program looks very promising, and Alex is moving to Louisville in January if he gets accepted to UofL as well. I'll just take it one semester at a time, but I think I will like it.

I have been working and studying to get ready for finals week. I have completed one of my binders to turn in tomorrow, and I have some French worksheets left to do. I am exempt from my French final though, so that is a complete relief. I have a Geography final tomorrow night, and then one more binder and a take home test to turn in on Tuesday. After that I am free! I am just glad to not have too much to do so that I can spend a lot of time with my friends before I go.

I've really been praying a lot about this summer. I feel like I have completely gotten out of a normal routine, and I just want a simple one to get into this summer. Me & my mom are going to start working out a lot and cooking. I am going to prepare a meal once every week for my family so that I can get better at it so that I can someday feel Alex something that is not microwaved! :) I am hoping to transfer to a hotel in Louisville as well. I've contacted two different hotels that say they are interested, and I am going to be contacting them this week when I get home and am settled in. I really do love my life, but I need a pattern or something. Women's Summer Bible Study is always refreshing every Tuesday morning. I can't wait, but I am going to finish this school year strong! Pray for me please!

- b -

05 May, 2009

10 Days of School Left!

The spring semester is almost to a close! :) It has long been awaited, and I am just beginning to catch up and have some fun! If you don't know, this is going to be my last semester at Union. I just miss my family and friends back home a lot, so I decided that I would go to the University of Louisville in the fall! I have already completed my orientation, and now I have an advising appointment on May 15th so that I can register for classes! I am really excited about moving back home, and I am sure that I will love it. I just hope I have as much time as I think I will to hang out with my friends from high school, etc.

This semester, one of my classes has been corresponding with a 6th grade class and doing a book buddy project. It has been really fun and interesting, and their class is actually going to be visiting Union on Thursday, and we are going to be throwing a party for them! It seems like it will be really fun, and I cannot wait!

I am still not sure what I am going to be doing this summer. I am not sure if I am going to be taking classes, where I will be working, etc. so I am a little stressed out. I got a call today from a perspective employer at the Embassy Suites in Louisville, so we'll see how that pans out. I will definitely keep you all updated! I hope everyone is enjoying the almost-summer break! :)

- b -