23 May, 2009

Yard Sale!

Summer is officially here! I have been going to school non-stop since I started in the Fall '07, but I am excited just to be working this summer. I don't have a job yet, but I was interviewed by a family to babysit for this summer on Thursday, and they told me that they interviewed two other people and are going to be making their decision this weekend. I am so nervous, but I hope that I get this job. It would be such a great experience and GREAT pay. I'll let you know when I find out! :)

So I haven't finished unpacking all my STUFF, but this weekend was our neighborhood yard sale, so I decided to set out some things. After I got all my stuff together, my sister, brother, mom and dad all had stuff to put out, so I threw theirs in as well. It was a very hot and long day, but at the end of all of it, we had about $200 more dollars than we started off with. What a great start to summer! :) It really was fun but also a lot of hard work. My little brother made coffee, pink lemonade, muffins and brownies to sell in the morning to those early birds. It was so cute, and did very well! People enjoy cheap, homemade treats! We got rid of a lot of our junk, and I am glad for that. After it was all over, my mom loaded up her car and took most of the rest to Goodwill for a donation. Here are some pictures from our yard sale! (These were taken before my mom put all of her stuff out. We did quite a bit of rearranging afterwards.) Hope you all enjoyed your Saturday!

- b -

P.S. We put one of our puppies, Lexi, up for sale, but nobody bought her. We didn't think anyone would, but we thought it was worth a try! If anyone is looking for a little chihuahua puppy then send me a message! :) She is 6 mos. old and AKC registered showdog!


Jessi said...

Please feel free to give me that puppy as a belated birthday gift. Or an early wedding one, it doesn't matter to me.


Briana McCall said...

I wish I could!! But did you notice the price tag?? :( I'm sorry!