28 January, 2010

Blessed Blessed Blessed

For the past three weeks I have been feeling just so grateful and thankful for everything that God has blessed me with. I'm not sure why this feeling has just been abounding in me, but it has and I am just so happy. I think about everything that I have in my life and compare it to those who might be less fortunate, and I cannot help but thank God daily and try to help others in any way that I possibly can. At Passion 2010 (Jan. 2-5) in Atlanta, 25,000 college students, including me and my friends, helped raise over 600,000 towards coutnless chairities all around this country & our world. It was truly a humbling experience to be able to learn about these different organizations whose sole missions are to share the love and generosity of God to those who need it. I can't possibly talk about all the charities that we served with, but I will mention one particularly because I just received an e-mail update from them. The organization is called One Verse, and it's mission is to help translate the Bible into the languages of people that don't have that don't have it yet in their native tongue. I was so surprised at how much it costs to translate a single verse, but it made perfect sense in the end. A lot of peoples don't have the Bible written in their language because they don't even HAVE a written language. Missionaries and other people have to go and live with these different tribes and first, learn their language, second, help develop a written language and then third, translate the gospel into their language. For some missionaries, it is their life goal to translate the Bible or even just a portion of the Bible into another language. So the estimate that they gave us at Passion was that it takes $25 dollars to translate each verse of the Bible. If you do the math (I did a quick estimate), it takes a little less than $1 million dollars to translate the entire Bible into another language. Take a second to take that in. $1 million dollars to translate the Bible. That is crazy, and of course, I wanted to help. My friend Holly & I decided to each buy a verse to be translated, and it was one of the most rewarding experiences that I have ever lived through. We stood in line at Passion and told the lady at the booth that we each wanted to buy a verse, and she took our payment and then GAVE us the verse that was being translated because of our donation. It was SO COOL!! We then proceeded to go to this big banner that they had hanging in the convention center, and we wrote our verse next to the ones that had already been "purchased." It was so neat, and if you feel called to help bring the gospel to someone who has never heard it spoken in their own language, click here to help.


My Verse:
So the promise is received by faith. It is given as a free gift. And we are certain to receive it, whether or not we live according to the law of Moses, if we have faith like Abraham's. For Abraham is the father of all who believe.
~Romans 4:16

We are truly, truly blessed.
- b -

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