10 July, 2008

Bored in Louisville

So it has come to the point in the summer where either A) I am in need of a vacation or B) I am just ready to be back at Union. I've been at the same routine since the end of May. Go to work, go to school, take care of Colby, go to church and repeat the same cycle every week. I'm pretty sick of it by now, and I just need some fun in my life. Normal people get to take vacations in the summer. Not students who have stupid class to worry about. I don't regret taking this class at all; I just want to do something fun. Any ideas? I'm thinking about going to the waterpark sometime next week ... maybe. Who knows. I wish I could have gone to Niagara Falls with my family, but no. Oh well ... give me any ideas if you all have any!

- b -

1 comment:

Jessi said...

Go to the zoo.
Attend a program at the library- any of the libraries.
Read some books.
Visit the Speed Art Museum.
See a laser rock show at the planetarium.
Do some volunteer work.
Clean your room and go sell some of your stuff at a consignment store.

Or...buy the Sims and spend most of your day on the computer (like me). It may not be very fulfilling, but it's fun, and before you know it, you've wasted three or four hours.