22 July, 2008

Some Really Good Books!

This summer I have had the greatest pleasure of finding some of the best Christian books (that I really have needed) to spend my time reading. The first series was recommended to me by my roommate Catherine Jenkins. It's the Redemption Series by Karen Kingsbury. It's about a family in Bloomington, Indiana that just goes through so many trials in their relationships (family & marital & friendship), but continually trust God and His plan for their lives & how He works through them. It is just a really neat series that I have LOVED reading. One if its focuses is on how love is a decision, not a feeling. You decide to love something or someone and your actions follow that decision no matter what. For any teenager, newlywed or mommy, I recommend it because it reaches out to people in all stages of life, young or old.

This next book is a devotional that me and Alex have started doing together. It's called "Before You Get Engaged," and as you can guess, it's for any dating couple possibly looking towards marriage in the near future. We have just started it, but already after tonight, I know this journey together is going to bring us closer to God, and closer to each other as we look for God's will in our lives and continue to pursue that.

Another study I have been doing with the women's group at Southeast, is of Randy Alcorn's book "Heaven." This book has gotten me so excited about Heaven!!! There are so many things that I am so suprised that the church doesn't teach on a regular basis that it should! I am so glad that our church did this study because I feel like a part of me has been pieced together after reading this book. Heaven is our eternal home, and not knowing what it will really and i mean REALLY be like should leave us empty. God gives us so much information in the Bible about Heaven that all we have to do is look look look!

So these are just some books I highly recommend. If you have read any of them feel free to let me know what you thought as well!!

- b -


Jessi said...

That is great that you and Alex are doing that devotional together! Brandon and I have recently started reading books for people getting married, and it has really helped our relationship. We didn't read anything before now, though, because we went into this knowing that we wanted to probably get married.

Briana McCall said...

Yeah that's great! Me & Alex are going into it the same way, but in the beginning of the book it talked about how we as people think we know what we want & what the plan is for our lives when years later we look back and we wonder what we were thinking! So even though we know what we want, I think it is just kind of an affirmation. After all, we are young and we want people to take us seriously. Making sure everything is right before we take the plunge can help with that!

Jessi said...

Most definitely. I am very proud of you and the maturity you are showing by trying to follow God's plan!

Unknown said...

David and I never did any of this--although I wouldn't recommend it that way! LOL I do think that our initial journey together would have gone more smoothly if we would have but our journey of 16 years has been so sweet!

I'm glad you wrote about Randy Alcorn's book on a Heaven--a definite must read for me--I LOVED his book Safely Home!

Jessi said...

To answer your question on my blog...Polo is coming with us (I'm sure he'd rather we left the lobster costume with mom and dad), as is Fernald (if he's still alive...he's already kinda old for a fish). Kelli will take most of my pictures but like, my Star Wars framed art will come with me to my new house. As will all of Brandon's Star Wars toys and Legos. ^_^ Other than that, mom and dad keep the other four dogs, the cat, and the nine birds.