24 March, 2010


So life is just going GREAT. I was thinking today how everyone bashes public schooling and say it isn't as good of quality as a private education, but I can only speak for myself. I don't have a lot of time, but I just want to say that I think that the quality education that I am getting at UofL is superb. I have learned so much and have had awesome teachers. Yes, they DO care about their students and you are not just another name on their list. This semseter I have been blessed with some amazing, knowledgable and wise professors, and I am very thankful for them. We only have about 5 weeks left of school, and I hope that the last 3 semesters that I have here are just as good as the first 2. Saying that.... I need to get back to my homework. I was out of school for an entire week that first week of March due to illness and now I am STILL playing catch-up. I guess God just knew that I needed some understanding teachers this semester. They have been helping me so much, and I am so thankful! Just in case you were wondering, here is a list of the classes I have been taking this semester!

Music in the Public Schools (MUSE 525)
Art Education (ART 407)
Math for Elementary Education II (MAT 152)
British Literature I (ENG 301)
Writing About Literature (ENG 310)

I love all my classes! :) Hope that those of you still in school finish strong and have a great rest of the semester!

- b -

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