28 May, 2008


Alex came to visit about a week ago, and every time he is with my family I am simply amazed at how much he loves me and how much he has to put up with. He is so cute with them, and I appreciate him so much. When he came a few months ago I remember we were about to go somewhere, but he was outside playing basketball with Nick. It was such a cute moment and so sweet that I just sat at the computer and watched them through the window. Memories like that are ones I will never forget because they mean so much to me. Nick really looks up to him, and I know that Alex will one day be a wonderful big brother to him just like he has been with Katie. Even though when he comes here we don't really spend time with my friends, just watching him interact with my family makes him the greatest ever. He helps me cook dinner for my family [ and I can probably say that he knows more about cooking than I do ], he cheers on Nick's team even though its the Yankees [ booooo .... ], and he buys my dad lunch and brings it to him at work. He's just an all around sweet guy and throughout this whole relationship I have seen God work daily in his life. I told him that when we met I thought he was the most rude, selfish, and arrogant person I had ever met and that I was up for the challenge :o). And although a lot of people say it's the fact that I'm in his life now that is the reason he is so different, it really isn't. God's timing is perfect, and I nor can anyone else try and take away His glory and His work.

One other thing that I really appreciate about Alex is that he let me get Colby even though I lived at school and couldn't have a dog. Alex has his own puppy Otis, and after the tornado I just got really lonely because everyone had been split up, and it was such a disaster. Having Colby has really brought happiness and more love into my life, and although to a lot of people think he's "just another dog," he means a lot to me because he came to me at a time in my life where I just needed someone to be there and listen even if they couldn't talk back. But since this mess is mostly over I'm excited to get back to school and build relationships and have fun with my friends, old and new. It's going to be such a fun time.

So thank you Alex for all the little things you do in my life that may go unnoticed at times. I really appreciate everything you do for me, and I love you so much!! I know you truly care, and I can tell when you pray for me during the hard times and during the easy times. Hearing those sweet prayers just gives me enough to keep going. You're my world now, and I can't wait to see what the future holds.

Below are some pictures of when my "little family" went to the park a few weeks ago. Enjoy!

Hope you all are enjoying the beginning of summer!

- b -

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