16 June, 2008

Mid-June Update!

Well lots has happened since my last blog. I started summer school last Thursday, and it going to be a really good class I think. So far it's not too hard, and all the busy work that Union requires is all condensed. Basically, we get the lectures online and print them off before class so we can just pay attention and add to our notes instead of write write write. It's a small thing, but I am thankful for that. My goal is to get an A in this class, and I really think it is quite achievable. We'll see how it goes :)

Alex has been here since Friday, and it is great having him around. He got a job as a soccer coach at River City Soccer Complex. He starts coaching tomorrow morning right after my Bible study, and he is still waiting on a call from Dicks Sporting Goods that is supposed to come tomorrow evening! That is the main job he wants. So I guess I should start moving all my stuff to the good ol' basement.

Work is going good .. it's just frustrating sometimes because sometimes we are slammed and sometimes we are so dead. On my way to work I always try to guess if everything will be ready to go or just a mess all over the place. But I love the people that I work with, and it is really good money. I love not working on the weekdays (Tues/Wed/Thurs) because it gives me time to just relax and catch my breath. I received an $164.83 vacation paycheck on Saturday, and I was really excited because I wasn't expecting it at all. Even though I was on educational leave since Feb., I was still technically an employee of Steak 'N Shake so I got my vacation pay! I don't know anyone else my age that gets that! Haha

We had a good Father's Day yesterday. Church was so good and I loved how Kyle and Dave did a duel sermon. It was funny yet touching all the same. We went to lunch as a family at Buckhead's Mountain Grill. Yummm :) Then we were going to go to an Open House in Adams Run (where we might be moving), but it had gotten cancelled for some reason. So we turned around and drove 30 minutes back home. I took a little nap, and then we were on our way to drop Nick off at camp at Country Lake! I LOVED Country Lake when I was little. It's such a good camp. So he's there now, and I'm about to watch the Bachelorette (as we do every Monday night) and then read some chapters in my bio. book for class tomorrow!

Hope you all are having a great summer! Let me know what you are up to!

- b -

1 comment:

Around the World said...

Not only did I win my own competition - but I have to be the first babysitter to my own son - how did that work??? Have a great day! Thanks for checking in with us!
