11 June, 2008

The Pieces Are Falling Together :)

So I was very happy on Monday to receive an e-mail from one of the professors at Jefferson Community College. As you know, I've been trying to get into this Biology lab so that Union will accept my credit from JCC. I was worried for a little while because I had not heard from him, and the beginning of class was drawing nearer and nearer, but Monday afternoon I got a message from him, and he assured me that he could find a spot for me in the lab!! I was so excited!! Now I have something to actually do with my summer, and after the class is finished at the end of July, it's just one check on my to-do list. SUCH a relief. So now I will be going to school taking Introduction to Biology on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:30 - 7:00. It's such a long time, but somehow I don't think it will be THAT bad. I hate science, but I'm praying for the Lord to just give me an open mind and to understand and actually WANT to learn. Now, I just hope the book doesn't cost me a lot! :o) Today, I also start tutoring this little boy named Joseph. He's about to go into 7th grade and is struggling with math. As most of us know, once you get behind in math, it takes forever to catch up and sometimes you even can't! So hopefully this summer we can make some big improvements or get him completely caught up for his 7th grade year. I don't know how great of a teacher I'll be, but hopefully it'll be fun. We're going to start with multiplication so I bought a big bag of M&Ms and Skittles for some visual (and edible) fun. :o) So after I meet him today and we hang out at the pool a little bit, we'll start with the basics and see how it goes from there! Please say a little prayer!

- b -

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