These past 3 days, the first days of 2009, I have just been thinking a lot about the past year and the new one that we are now embarking upon. So much has happened, and so much will happen that it is really hard for me to wrap my mind upon all of it as I have been trying to do! This last year has held so much. Alex and I actually dated the ENTIRE year of 2008 while we celebrated our 1 year anniversary in October. I got a new puppy in March, and I cannot imagine life without that precious little boy. I was a college Freshman, Sophomore and Junior all in one year :o) Yes, I know.. props to me! I went to summer school for the first time ever and began at a new college. In 2008 I started a new job, one that I love. I decided on what profession that the Lord has called me to. I didn't really decide, but the Lord led me straight to the door of the Education Dept. at Union University. I survived an F4 tornado that destroyed over half of my school. Thankfully I was safe and sound at work. Sometimes I wonder if I shouldn't have been spared all the hurt and devastation that many of my friends had to battle, but the Lord protected us all, and for that I am thankful. In 2008 I received the news that I would have another chance to serve in the country of Guatemala since our last trip had to be canceled. If this counts for anything, I lost 20 lbs. from no action of my own. I really was against the whole New Years Resolution thing last year so I made it my resolution to not make a resolution and what most people (well girls like myself) dream of really happened to me. But I decided that this year it is OKAY to make a resolution. I was so against it before because people make them so far fetched and give up mid-February or even earlier that it seems unrealistic. It's basically saying okay this is doomed to fail and setting yourself up for it anyways. So as of December 31, 2008 I am so incredibly happy with how my 2008 turned out. It has truly been a year of blessings and friendships and love, and I can't wait for 2009. It has already been 3 days, and I have had the best ever. On New Years day I was able to walk outside into the * warm! * breeze and look over acres of farmland that the sun just magically and picture perfectly danced across. I was in the arms of the one I am crazy in love with; someone who loves me just the same. :) I didn't have a care in the world, and I still don't. Over these past three days I was able to use my health and my strength to work 15 hours and witness to somebody about Jesus Christ, a love they had lost feeling for in their heart. I was able to share laughs with my family and just be the woman that God made me to be. Someone living for him and enjoying every minute of it. Welcome 2009.
Me & my new roommate/best friend Catherine!
Me giving Colby a bath. I am so thankful for him!
The aftermath of the tornado that swept through Union's campus.
Me & Alex at Fellowship Bible Church on our one year anniversary: October 12, 2008
Me & my sister Danielle when she came to visit me at college! - b -
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